The further development of our products is of the utmost importance for the company SCHÄFER Metallurgie GmbH. For this purpose we develop ideas by elaborating problem solutions with our customers, by exchanging ideas in working groups and by discussing with university professors.
The SCHÄFER Metallurgie GmbH is active in the Committee of Experts for Light Metal of the Federation of German Foundry Industry (BDG) as well as a member of the group of common cause of Light Metal Research, where many well-known foundries of the automotive, aviation and mechanical engineering industry are members.
Research projects, promoted by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, have been carried out on our initiative for years. They are named as follows: the conglomerate projects “Improving the energy efficiency in aluminium castings with Nano-structured oxides and additives” and “Nano-structured oxides to influence aluminium castings” as well as the project “Integrative environment protection of the foundry industry” including the topic “Innovative scrap-cleaning for copper alloys to extent the using range of scraps”. Especially the conglomerate projects show a close cooperation with foundries, foundry suppliers and institutes of universities.
Furthermore, we execute metallurgical investigations in our laboratory and document them with metallographic pictures. We are delighted to do such investigations for our customers. Additionally we draw up investigative reports which serve our customers for documentation purposes
Last but not least the company SCHÄFER Metallurgie GmbH can refer to patents which help our customers to create and produce their products more safely, at a higher quality level and more economically.